Altrum MultiVitamins and Nutritional Supplements


See our article on the front page of the Feb. 2011 Altrum News Letter!!


Altrum - Brain Power - DBP


Altrum - Brain Power - DBPSupport Brain, Heart and Energy

A.J.'s Brain Power brings you the power of ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo comes from the leaf of the ancient ginkgo biloba tree.

Gingko biloba may nutritionally support normal cerebral function* and healthy cardiovascular circulation to extremities.*

A.J.'s Brain Power consists of a full 60 mg. of concentrated ginkgo biloba as leaf extract that contains 24 percent ginkgo heteroside, the highest active level available. It is in a base of the rejuvenating herbs, gotu kola, schizandra and ginger.*

Suggested Use: For best results take 1 to 2 capsules daily. The brain requires a large portion of the body's nutrients for peak performance. Further enhance this product's effectiveness by using one of the ALTRUM Multis.

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