Altrum MultiVitamins and Nutritional Supplements


See our article on the front page of the Feb. 2011 Altrum News Letter!!


Altrum - Daily Garlic Support - DGS


Altrum - Daily Garlic Support - DGS Garlic is one of the greatest and safest natural health herbs

For more than 5,000 years, various cultures have recognized garlic as one of the most important overall health-promoting herbs of all time. It may nutritionally support and maintain a healthy immune system,* normal blood pressure,* cardiovascular health* and good joint nutrition.*

Each ALTRUM Daily Garlic Support capsule provides 417 mg of concentrated garlic powder, equal to half a garlic bulb.

Suggested Use: As a convenient way to add garlic to the diet, take 2 to 4 capsules daily. This product is best when used as part of a total nutritional program that includes one of the ALTRUM Multis.

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Altrum DGS Label

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